
"Cabin John" and Punxsutawney Phil agree to disagree, get a load of me....

The Big Game is almost upon us, and realizing the fact that I've gone underground for about a month, I think, today is a great time to come out of my den, kind of like Punxsutawney Phil, I guess you could call me "Cabin John". Although for the home team, it looks like more than six weeks of winter. (more on that later)

First, the playoffs didn't offer a whole lot of excitement with the exception of the NFC Championship Game. Although, number 4 provided some nice drama with the predictable outcome, boy, are the Vikings wasting their time not to mention the $12 mil, hell, Sage might have won that game.

As I look at the Super Bowl, it's hard to pick against the Colts, even with Freeny gimped. I don't think people realize how good their defense really is. They're a mirror image of the offense, in the sense they don't get the collywobbles when things get iffy. Manning is a commanding presence, but they are a solid team from top to bottom with no real weakness, because of their unusual ability to adapt to any situation. They have a great team psychology and Jim Caldwell has done everything correctly, specifically resting his players at the end of the season. Bill Parcells still rules, when it comes to the NFL, "you're judged by the jewelry you wear".

I'm not counting the Saints out, but they were not the team I thought them to be in the NFC Championship Game. The reason, I believe, is the defense is suspect. But damn, how can one not pull for these guys. If the offense can kick it back into the 'passing' gear they displayed for most of the regular season, then we've got the makings for an interesting game. Big plays early will do a lot for their state of mind. I wish for both teams that they feel they played their best this Sunday.

Now turning to the local team, it seems as though, the inferno that blazed during the fall of '09 has ebbed to smoldering coals. But, if I know Snydley Whiplash, like I think I know him, we'll all have to be alert for any signs of smoke. To that end my partner Tod and I have been working a tower this past month from which to spot and report any and all fires that breakout on a regular basis in the world of sports and life in general. It should be announced within the next 48 hours. It's going to be a blockbuster ballbuster and a helluva lot more. Can't wait 'til you know what I know.


  1. My prediction for 2010 is that Syndley Whiplash is going to come out of the closet and Tom Cruise is going to move into the treeless mansion.

  2. Chile is pulling for the Saints, being a Catholic country and one famous for enjoying the Big Sleazy without morning-after collywobbles. What is this "Cabin John," an enviro-friendly Porto-Potty?

  3. With postings from sharpshooters like "sideswiped" and "anonymous" up above we are gonna have a lot of fun in our new venture!!!!!

  4. Sideswiped you are killing me between Riggo's Snydley Whiplash (perfect name!!!) and your comment I am in hysterics. Thanks for the entertainment.

  5. Looking forward to learning the big news. I remember #44 talking a long, long time ago about the art of hunting on the Greaseman show. Specifically Riggo talked about having to know the different types of shits in the woods. So, sitting high atop his tower...or tree stand...I know that Riggo will recognize all the shit that Snydley Whiplash tries to deal us. Let's shoot the shit Riggo.

  6. I wait with baited breath for any comments you may have concerning "Snydly".Might I ask if the referance to Snyder as Snydly came from the call in show on WTOP with Frank Herzog.If so I'm honored.I was Charlie whose call you took and snickered at when I called him "Snydly".I won't say your my hero,that would be my nephew who was K.I.A. in Afghanistan one year ago this month,but your the next best thing.Charlie Norris
